Est. July 2013. "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"

Hey! It’s Doremi here.

Fantage Loonies now has a “How To” section!

I decided to make these new pages for my viewers because this blog doesn’t have many helpful things on it. So far, I’ve added pages including

Read the rest of this entry »

I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I’ve had lots of things going on with school and dance… But now I’m back, and hopefully I’ll be on as much as possible!

I’d like to hold a contest… a Shinies contest. If you don’t know what Shinies are, go on the page that describes them and read all about it.

What is the contest about, you ask? Well, here it goes: It’s called


Once signed up for the contest, you will submit a link to a picture of your Fantage avatar wearing your best outfit to match the theme EACH DAY (submit links on the Contest page). You will be labeled with a number and all contestants from that day will be posted on the Contest page for voting. People will have one vote, and that vote is for whoever you think should be OUT. There will be a 100 Shinies prize for the Final Winner, and a 75 Shinies prize for 2nd place.

Sign up on the Contest page.


  1. Sign up on the Contest page.
  2. Once signed up, check out the theme on the Contest page and submit a link to your picture EACH DAY (submit links on the Contest page). If you neglect to do this one day, you will be automatically OUT.
  3. You cannot join after the signup deadline.
  4. The signup limit is 16 people. Signups will be closed after then.
  5. Do not submit anything if you were already voted out.
  6. Do not meanly advertise others’ pictures to get them out.

Have fun! Signups are over on March 27th.


Hey everyone… it’s do, and I’m back. Sorry I haven’t been on in so long… I’ve been supa busy and if I had time,  I would be on more. Just checking in, and I think I’m gonna start posting about every week or so. Today I’ll post about something totally not Fantage-related but I highly recommend them for all of you… 5SOS. They’re frickin amazing and I honestly love them so much… They’re so talented and funny and ADORABLE (“punk rock” kittens… it’s a fandom joke) and I love them to pieces. So go listen to some of their music and give em a little love since they just finished their tour with 1D.


Now something Fantage related:



FANTAGE IS NEARING EXTINCTION everyone grab something stable NOW



okay the amount of robots is scaring me now… are they gonna start using actual people’s accounts to make it look like more people play? ARE U KEEDING ME

okie I’m done >u<

big love ❤ -do


First, go to Appearance and click on Menus


Then, you’ll see something like this


Simply drag the desired pages under the desired page


And voila! 🙂

NEW NAME! Fantage Jelly

I changed the name of the blog… hope you like it!

And I’m going to do my best to go through the blog and change anything that say Fantage Account Giveaways to Fantage Jelly…

If you don’t like it let me know. And make sure you say Fantage Kiwi in your header if you are entering the contest, click here to see it.


And sorry for a third post today… not more, I promise.

– do ❤


PS Now if I could just find a way to change the URL…

One last thing for today… BTW sorry for 2 posts today.

I am hosting a header contest. It’s simple. Make a header for our site, send it in to the email on the contact page, and the best one wins. PRIZES:

1. First Place: 200 Shinies, An account from the Shinies Store (Level 250 and under), Header featured on this blog

2. Second Place: 150 Shinies, 1 Day of WordPress Help from Nonamac or Doremi

3. Third Place: 100 Shinies

Good Luck!

By the way, for making a header for this contest, it will count for earning Shinies. 😉 You’re welcome

And if you have already made a header for Shinies, you can send it in for this contest!



If you have done anything to earn Shinies or ever signed up for them, read this:

The Shinies signup wasn’t working, but now it is. I know that some you have emailed/commented your signup instead, but I didn’t keep track of that because now you can do it via the form on the How To Get Shinies page. (and it will work this time)

NEVER FEAR, the Shinies you already earned will still be valid. So go back and count up all of the Shinies you have earned and tell me how much u have and how u earned them all. 🙂

Also, does anyone have an ideas for prizes for the Shinies Store (prizes I won’t have to pay for with real cash)? I really need more prizes available… (also, I have some good ones coming soon)

New pages coming soon! One will be a surprise, but the other one… here’s a little blurb. (below)

The CHEATS page is coming back! No one ever visited it before, mostly because it wasn’t updated very often. Now, I will update it often, with good cheats that you will appreciate. The page should be posted within 2-3 months.

So, I’ve been trying to tell you guys… but you won’t listen. I am going to change the name of this blog, but I don’t know how. PLEASE TELL ME!

SHINIES UPDATE: Everyone is now getting their own page for Shinies. That’s right, your OWN PAGE. It will be password protected, so no one else will be able to get into your page. When you sign up for the Shinies program, you will submit a password, which will be the password needed to get into your own Shinies page. Your page will consist of ALL of your Shinies history, including what you have done to earn Shinies, your Shinies balance, and your purchases. To tell me something, like you earned more Shinies or would like to purchase something with them, etc., comment on your personal Shinies page. You will get your own Shinies page as soon as you sign up, so sign up now!

Thank you for reading my eternally long post…

-do ❤




Hey everyone!

So, by now, you guys probably know….

1,000 hits!

That’s awesomesauce guys!

To think that when I started working on this blog, we had less than 500 hits, and now, one month later, we have slightly over 1,000 hits! Woo!!


I would like to thank Do, for giving me a job on this amazing blog. It’s been really amazing to see how it has grown since I joined. This blog was the first one I was ever hired on, and when I applied, I didn’t know what would happen.

I would also like to thank you guys. You were the ones that made this happen and we can’t thank you enough.


Okay, so, our new goal is 2,000 hits by January 2015! I know you guys can do it! Look at how early we met our 1,000 hits goal!


Thank you guys so much again! You guys are the true meaning of Awesomesauceness.

-Nonamac ❤  😀

(This is one of the only times I will use a hashtag.) 🙂  #truemeaningofawesomesauceness #thankyou!!


Ok, I have people to thank.

  • ALL OF YOU GUYS! You guys, the people reading this right now, are the reason we have finally reached 1000 hits in exactly a year. Thanks so much for coming back every time we post and giving us the time of day to look at our pages, like them, reblog, comment, participate in activities, and more. We’re so grateful to have you as fans.
  • Nonamac! Okay, I don’t even know where to start. You are amazing… you came on this site and impressed me with your sophistication and manners… I just had to hire you (also, you were very qualified). Then you go around this blog, helping me and posting, asking me whenever you needed help, and most of all, helping this blog grow. Up to now, you have been a HUGE help to this blog in many ways, and I’m very grateful that you even bothered to actually even visit this blog in the first place and ask for a job. Thank you.
  • Anybody else… Anybody who hasn’t really interacted on this site but still gave us the time of day to look at our pages… thank you. We really appreciate it, and you are part of the reason out blog has grown so much.

I’m giving all of you a digital hug right now!


An apology… I’m sorry that I haven’t been checking up on the blog, updating things, and posting very much lately. I’ve been busy and haven’t found any time to log on. But as usual, Nonamac swoops in and saves the day… She is always trying to help, even when I’m not asking or even logged on.


Now back to the hits… so our new goal is 1000 hits by November 2000 hits by January 2015!! Can we do it? Everyone has helped so much to get us to where we are right now, and keeping up the continuous favor you do for us by visiting this blog would mean the world to us.

Thanks so much! I could never thank you enough.

– do ❤ 😉

Love you all!

Until next time…



Hey everyone!

We’re almost to 1,000 hits! Woot!! 🙂

One of my staff members on my blog, fantageawesome6, and one of her friends, fantagelover6262, came up with an idea for Fantage VidCon 2014. It’s basically going to be a huge party on Fantage with famous bloggers, users, and youtubers. It’s on July 27th, at 4:00pm FST, on White Seal at the Star Cafe. For more info, here is fantageawesome6’s post link:

Hope you guys will be able to come!