Est. July 2013. "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"

Win Fashion Shows


  1. Wear smart. When a category is selected, wear everything you can find in your inventory that fits directly under that category. Do NOT wear something that looks similar or that has a similar color. Trust me, it doesn’t help. It’ll just take off from your score.
  2. Rares, rares, rares! Always wear rares. Even if they don’t match the theme, WEAR THEM (if you have one that matches, even better: put it on!). They never take off from your score, but they’ll actually give you a Rare bonus.
  3. Bring your pets. Most Fantagians have a pet or two. Guess what? Just like clothes, you definitely should not bring a pet (or select it from your inventory in the Show, I mean) if it does not EXACTLY match the theme. For example, if you own Rocki (a gray pet) and the theme is Black, don’t bring him. If you own a rainbow pet (I think this is Charmi), then use it for all color themes. Remember, if the pet doesn’t have the exact color or doesn’t exactly match the theme, don’t use it!
  4. All about that face. When it’s time for posing, don’t click right where the “pose here” oval is. Click a little below it. This will get your Fantagian’s face in the picture, which will give you more points than if your Fantagian’s body was in it.
  5. Quickly, quickly! The faster you get to your posing spot, the more points you’ll get for your pose.
  6. Timing is number one. At posing time, you must make sure that you have Perfect timing. There’s a way to ensure this. At three, mouse over the demanded pose. At two, get ready! At one, get ready to click. Wait exactly half a second after one, then click! This should get you a Perfect pose score if you do it right.

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