Est. July 2013. "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"

☛Looking For Staff!☚

I am looking for staff to help me with this blog! Please comment below with your username, possible job choice, your email, and why you should be a staff member of Fantage Loonies.

I am looking for the following jobs:

  1. Editor
  2. Co-Blogger (one slot open)
  3. Paparazzi (take pictures around Fantage and submit them to Doremi)
  4. Protector (copyright, spam, banning, etc.)

If you would like one of these jobs, please follow the directions above.

Comments on: "☛Looking For Staff!☚" (39)

  1. nonamacdancer said:

    Hi! I was just wondering, basically what the editor and co blogger does? I am a little interested in working for the blog! 🙂


  2. doremi127 said:

    Hey nonamacdancer, the editor goes around the blog and fixes mistakes (if they’re big changes then u would have to ask my permisssion) u find around it, and u also give me tips for pretty much anything u think i would consider. Also the co-blogger, hence the name, blogs with me by alternating post shifts, meaning I post then u post, then i post again, etc. but u can help each other out with your posts. so if u wanna take a job just let me know and if ur qualified (lol its not tht hard just a few questions) then i’ll take it off the list and you’ll have the job! thx ❤ doremi127


  3. nonamacdancer said:

    Thanks! I think it might be fun to be a co blogger, I don’t have much experience just a small non fantage related family only blog. 🙂 But I’m up for the “challenge” and I would like to try applying for the co blogger. 🙂


    • doremi127 said:

      Okay! So u need to read my posts and see how you do it, study the pages (to see what they’re like), and shoot me an email at on WHY i should pick YOU! 🙂 Luv, doremi127
      Also check out my new blog, (we’re just starting so its honestly not that good, but u know, whatever 🙂 )


      • nonamacdancer said:

        Okay! I just sent you an email.
        I won’t be able to blog that much now because I have to go get breakfast and then go grocery shopping. 😦 (not really a fan of grocery shopping)


      • doremi127 said:

        Okay! I’ll email u back 🙂


  4. I’ll be co-blogger!
    I am the main owner at,
    and main owner on


  5. fantageadmin2014 said:

    I want a job please


    • doremi127 said:

      Well which one? Right now, I need Paparazzi… you would go around Fantage and take screenshots of things you find cool or interesting, send them to me, and I would post them if they’re good.


  6. Can I be an editor?


  7. fantageawesome6 said:

    Hello I would like to apply for co-blogger. I am neat and orderly, but still I make great posts. I manage 2 other blogs, but will still post on the fantage events on this one if I get hired.. Thanks you for reading,


  8. Hello! I would like to apply for Paparazzi! Could i hear more about this job slot?


    • doremi127 said:

      Yes… you go around Fantage, screenshot-ting anything you find weird, funny, or cool, and uploading them to the Paparazzi page with captions. I will need a little background info about your experience to hire you, though.


  9. Hi I would like to be a co-blogger, if not any other job would be fine. My username for wordpress is harpie26xoxo. My fantagian is harpie26. My email is
    I would like to be a member of this awesome blog because it’ll be s great oppurtunity to work on my blogging skills and i would fix anything. I would add funny posts like on my blog. If you would like to learn more about me you can visit my blog. It’s link is : . I would be more than happy if I could work on this fabolous blog! If you want, I can even let you copy one of my pages that’s copyrighted for your blog. I hope I get a job and thank you!


    • Hello, Nermy!

      Your blog seems pretty great. I like your content. I’ll hire you! By the way, thanks for calling my blog fabulous! Yours is too!
      One thing: I do not recommend using that email server. It’s temporary (your emails will disappear after a certain number of hours) and people can open your inbox without a password (it’s okay, I didn’t open it: don’t worry). Also, SharkLasers doesn’t let you reply or compose original emails, or, in that matter, any common email functions, such as forwarding, blocking, marking as spam, etc. (Just so you know, I know this because I once used that server for my emails, and it didn’t work out).
      You should create an account on servers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex, Outlook, etc. These have passwords and are therefore safer to use.
      This is just a suggestion, though. I understand if you can’t make an account because, for ex., maybe you’re not old enough or your parents won’t let you.

      All in all, you’re hired!

      RULES of a Co-Blogger on Fantage Loonies: (Don’t worry… they’re not hard to follow)
      1) Always use correct grammar and spelling! Look it up if you don’t know how to say it or spell it.
      2) 6 STRIKES and you’re out, meaning I’m kicking you off the blog. Break any of the rules below, for a total of 6 strikes, and you’re out. I’ll let you know when you get a strike.
      3) Only post Fantage-related content. Don’t post “how you did on your test today, how sad you are that you BF broke up with you, or ‘what I wouldn’t believe’ your friend did yesterday, etc….” because NO ONE CARES. Not to be harsh, but that’s the truth. People follow this blog for quality Fantage content, not your life story. Post that stuff on your own blog. (This applies to the 6 STRIKES rule)
      4) No rudeness, bad language, or anything negative in general. (This applies to the 6 STRIKES rule)
      5) Don’t post twice in a row. I’ll post, then you post… got it? (This applies to the 6 STRIKES rule)
      6) Don’t try to take over. I will most definitely take any and all suggestions/opinions you have for the blog, but don’t get into my role as Administrator. This meaning, don’t do something only an Admin would do, such as accepting someone as Staff, etc. (This applies to the 6 STRIKES rule)
      7) If you don’t post again within 20 days of the most recent post on the blog, you’re automatically off of the blog. (This applies to the 6 STRIKES rule)
      8) Your posts should be a solid 2+ paragraphs, not tiny, insignificant sentences… people want a good amount of info/updates about Fantage; and maybe a few images here and there (NO more than 3). Don’t put random phrases or gibberish in there just to fill it. Also, the images must be Fantage related. (This applies to the 6 STRIKES rule)

      Sorry if these seem harsh, but they’re easy to follow! Always remember the 6 STRIKES rule.
      Go ahead and make your first post. If I were you, I would introduce yourself for a paragraph and then talk about something new on Fantage, with an image or two (cropped screenshots, maybe). Again, this is just a reccomendation.
      I apologize for making this so long.
      Welcome to Fantage Loonies!


      P.S. I will post these rules on the Staff Only page, and I’ll email you the password.
      P.S.S. Do you have any accounts to give away? If you have a high-leveled (200+) one, would you want it to be a Shinies prize? Do you want a Shinies account? If you said yes for any of these, please see the corresponding pages in the menu at the top of the page!
      P.S.S.S. This took me a whole 45 minutes to think of and type! Phew!


  10. can I be editor plz 🙂


    • Your blog link doesn’t work. I’ll have to see your blog to see how you post and write things to be able to give you the job as Editor. Please ensure it’s typed correctly. What you have down is … which isn’t a valid URL.

      Liked by 2 people

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